Today, I had the chance to drop my wife to her favorite spa, HERBALINE. Very nice place and relaxing environment. The staffs were very nice and kind.
While I was there, I was offer to do my own spa... FISH Spa! .. My very first time.. It was fun.. Got to do it again. Since the fish were very eager to nimble my feet, I have a few thought on why we all should start to invest in property..
1. Good hedging against inflation
Property has been proven a good hedging against inflation which is currently higher than 3-4% inflation rate per year
2. Slow but surer become RICH
Property is something very boring, slow but on thing for sure.. Over time, if you invest in the right place, you will be higher chance to become rich. Look at Donald trump, he build his empire with property.
Since I started my investment 10 years ago, I have seen my properties have double and triple its value from my initial investment. These property going the odd even during economic crisis in 2003 and 2008.
3. Excellent leverage - pay less than 20%, you own 100%.
This is the only investment vehicle that you pay RM10,000, you can own RM100,000. Bank are willing to lend their money to you as long you have a good track record.
4. You work only once, your property work for you forever..
With holding your property for a period of time, your property will appreciate in it's value. Not only it appreciate, if you rented you property, you will get positive cash flow and your tenant pays for all the loan from the bank.
This is the best leverage where your tenants are working hard for you to pay the bank. Interesting huh?
5. Growing with corporate ladder vs Growing with property investment.
I am sure that most of us work for somebody to meet our days end. It is not wrong but the higher you go up on corporate ladder, you have less time with your loves ones, yourself and under stress at all time to met stakeholder expectation.
Take an example, our Prime Minister, Najib Razak. If you see his schedule and his involvement to lead the our country, he isis very busy including weekend! I still remember someone say to me that Dr Mahathir Mohamed only sleep about 4 hours per day.. Do you want to be in that position?
It is different with property. It gets easier each day with property. You still get your money when you sleep which I call, passive income!
Tenants work for you, your property work for you, and your bank work for you! What does this all mean? It mean that you have more time for yourself and able to do what you love!
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