Start from zero! Another interesting approach by gen Y!

Today, I had the chance to read another book by a very own Malaysian Gen Y.

3 Years to a RM 10 million property portfolio by dexter Kim and WT Kam.

Another interesting approach and similar to faizul method. Both had used credit card as down payment but they are very disciplined to recover their loan on credit card which I personally think risky but they manage to do it.

Both of them had a very clear game plan in their hand. I like the way the projected to see how many property will they owned if they decide to take this route, etc. It give them clear target and develop the strategy to achieve it.

Although first I thought that these are young kids  will end up in trouble as they start buying property at the very young age and in a very orthodox way, I found one common thing that make these 2 gen Y survive and able to increase their portfolio to more than rm 5 million in less than 5 year.....

They have MENTOR..... They partnership with their mentor, leverage the experience and combine with their crazy idea... Boom... Cheaper, faster and better way!

Who would have imagine that to have rm10 million of property portfolio in 3 years is possible? Well, they prove me wrong..

Thank you for sharing the knowledge and the approached which definitely can be very useful in this era especially when property price are on the rise.

Pls download my property book today to learn more.

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